Back on the Bestsellers List Posted December 1, 2021 by Terry Fallis After having dropped off almost all of the national bestsellers lists a couple of weeks ago, Operation Angus slips back on this week three months after it launched. No complaints here. And the holiday shopping season is just around the corner. #canlit #cbcbooks #comicnovels #mcclellandstewart #mediacoverage #operationangus #terryfallis
Albatross now at #3 on Globe Bestseller List Last week Albatross entered the Globe and Mail Bestsellers list at #10. One week later (and only two weeks since it was published) […] August 23, 2019
Always a big moment… Even when it’s your eighth novel, laying eyes on it, and holding it in your hands, for the first time […] August 11, 2021
Operation Angus Bestseller List Roundup: Week #5 Still hanging in there after five weeks. Thanks, all. October 6, 2021
It’s a sad day for Toronto book lovers… It was a shock to learn yesterday that the wonderful McNally Robinson bookstore, open less than a year ago, has […] December 30, 2009
The High Road on CBC’s The National Courtesy of a Tweet from Halifax on Friday night, I learned that The High Road snuck into a story on […] May 15, 2011