THR joins TBLP on the bestseller list… I had a quick look at BookManager the other day and clicked on the Canadian Fiction bestseller list that they […] May 7, 2011
Congrats to Trevor Cole on his Leacock Medal I have a pretty good idea how Trevor Cole was feeling yesterday afternoon. He’d just won the 2011 Stephen Leacock […] April 29, 2011
I’ve officially started writing novel #3 After a couple years with the idea steeping in my brainpan, and a few months outlining the story, yesterday, I […] April 23, 2011
My recent reading in Keswick A week or so ago, I made the easy drive north to the shores of Lake Simcoe for a reading […] April 22, 2011
After nearly four years, it’s finally happened… For that last few years, particularly in the last three months, friends and colleagues have often told me that they’d […] April 16, 2011
Speaking of Leacock… My mother-in-law was sorting through some photographs the other day and came across these two shots taken a few years […] April 14, 2011
Speaking gigs a plenty… I’ve been very busy in the evenings and weekends with readings and speaking gigs and am really enjoying them. I […] April 14, 2011
Leacock Medal Shortlist: Thrilled all over again Yesterday, in an annual ritual freighted with wonderful memories for me, the five finalists for the 2011 Stephen Leacock Memorial […] April 2, 2011
One reason I write… I’ve never written to an author whose book I enjoyed reading. I probably will in the future. After The Best […] March 25, 2011
My weekly literary podcast regimen… In a circuitous and convoluted way, I owe at least some of my writing career to podcasting. How? Well, in […] March 20, 2011